Out of Order Telling Our Story

We’re starting to discuss what our next RPG will be–no hurry, we probably have a month or more of our current one, and then a short interlude of playtesting Four Colors al Fresco

In discussing what people wanted, I mentioned that one of the things I’ve always wanted to do was play a game out of order. That is, where a given scenario might take place before, rather than after, the previous one. Like the stories of Sherlock Holmes or some of the old pulp-era serials, where the chronology of individual stories could be just about anything. So then I started looking at my game collection to see what sort of support we have for that. It looks like I may have to write my own.

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How Not to Take Over the World

The Evil Mastermind has at his disposal:
1: A guy who can generate winds sufficiently powerful to smash his way into Tony Stark’s Vault of Dangerous Top Secret Things™.
2: A radiation source capable of melting a battleship in a matter of seconds, through a mile or so of water.
3: A cosmic space dragon.
4: A super-genius, who in turn controls:
5: “Titanium Man”, an unstoppable force of destruction.

So, what’s his clever plan to Conquer the World, BWAHAHAHAH!!! ? Continue reading

What’s a “Cleric”?

I haven’t been following the discussion of “D&D Next” particularly closely, but I’ve liked much–but not all–of what I’ve seen. I finally read Mike Mearls’ discussion of their founding principles for the cleric class , and I think my response to it sums up my feelings, pro and con, towards the whole endeavor.

In general, it looks like the next edition of D&D is making much better choices than D&D4E–or D&D3E–did, at least for my tastes. Specifically, capitalizing on what people like D&D for while fixing problems, rather than making significant changes to the core of it or trying to make it into a different sort of game. Of course, reasonable people can disagree on which parts are the “core” of D&D, so I don’t claim this is a universal answer. After all, while D&D3E failed to fix many of the problems I had with AD&D1&2, and introduced some new ones, it was obviously wildly popular. But I think I have some idea what I’m talking about, given that those who eventually were turned off by D&D3E seem to have been because of exactly the problems I had with it, and D&D4E was, in part, an overreaction to those same problems.

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Replace Corporations with Cooperatives

Brandon Blackmoor drew my attention to Matt Bai’s editorial about the impact of the Citizens United ruling.

In a comment, he suggested that we should just abolish corporations, but downplayed his suggestion as “crackpot.” Well, maybe I’m a crackpot, too, but I would love to see their end (or rather death, since they’re apparently people). However, I wanted to make a slightly longer response: Continue reading